We find it important to disclose how we compile data. For this reason, you will find an outline of our practices here.
Ovet is firmly committed to complying with the Dutch Data Protection Act (Wet Bescherming Persoonsgegevens) and the Dutch Telecommunications Act (Telecommunicatiewet).
Compiling personal data
Ovet compiles personal data for the following reasons:
Data collected by Ovet is not automatically used for all the objectives listed above. Ovet respects your privacy, which is why Ovet monitors how well the company complies with privacy legislation. Besides complying with the Dutch legal standards, Ovet complies with its own code of conduct.
On our website, we compile general data, such as the most frequently visited pages. Ovet’s aim is to optimise how our website functions. The data can also be used to provide you with more specific information. We never send or collect personal information via the internet without your consent.
When you visit the Ovet website, a temporary cookie is placed in a text file on your computer. A cookie does not reveal personal information and is only used to make the Ovet website easier for you to use. If you choose not to accept cookies, you can disable them in your browser (Internet Explorer or Firefox). Even if cookies are disabled, most of our web pages and features will still work.
Ovet reserves the right to change the content of this privacy statement at any moment and without prior warning.
Sharing information with third parties
Ovet will never share personal information with third parties or sell this data. Ovet is legally obliged to cooperate with investigative authorities such as the police and the FIOD (Fiscal Information and Investigation Service) in providing data. In cases such as these, Ovet thoroughly examines the level of authorisation the investigative authority in question has and ensures that procedural privacy policies are observed.
A third party is under no circumstances allowed to access our visitors’ personal data.
Questions and access
For questions regarding this privacy statement and to gain access or make changes to your personal data stored by Ovet, please contact:
Ovet B.V.
Noorwegenweg 2
Tel. : +31 115 676800