Since July 2013, OVET possesses a completely renovated track and a new train loading system at the terminal Vlissingen. This ensures OVET to be able to provide an even better hinterland connection for its customers. OVET has successfully proven that a train can travel to and from the German Ruhr area within 24 hours. On top of that, both dry bulk terminals have a good connection to the European railway network with good access to the Betuwelijn and the Corridor C.
The length of the rail track is 1,200 metres, of which 650 metres is double track.
This train loader enables OVET to load a train of circa 44 carriages (2,700 tons) with a speed of 1,500 tons per hour. It is equipped with an antifreeze installation, an iron-removal magnet and an automatic weighing system (accurate to the kilogram).